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InServe MIG

The purpose of this document is to outline the Pandemic Preparedness Plan for InServe Mechanical Integrity Group; hereafter referred to as “The Company.” The purpose of this plan is to minimize the impact of a contagious illness pandemic on employees by describing the specific actions to be taken by The Company based on the following objectives and assumptions.
  • In the event of a pandemic, The Company will have minimal resources available for local assistance and local authorities will be responsible for company response plans.
  • A pandemic will easily and rapidly spread from person to person resulting in substantial absenteeism.
  • Vaccines and antiviral medications will be in short supply during the initial months after the onset of a pandemic.


The Directors will be responsible for the administration, enforcement, and necessary revisions of this Pandemic Preparedness Plan. The plan coordinator will also be responsible for dealing with disease issues and their impact at the workplace. This includes contacting local health departments and health care providers to assist in the development and implementation of protocols responsible for ill individuals.


  • To protect the lives, safety, and health of all workers at every company location
  • To effectively communicate with all involved parties throughout the duration of a pandemic.
  • To provide for the continuation of as many services as possible as long as it is safe to do so.
  • To prevent the spread of infection through health and hygiene education.
  • Workers are encouraged to obtain appropriate immunizations to help avoid disease.
  • Granting time off work to obtain the vaccine. Employees will be granted time off to obtain immunizations and vaccines as the medicine becomes available in the community.

If a pandemic impacts the normal operations at The Company, The Company will implement the existing emergency management structure in the Emergency Action Plan to manage the response and recovery activities prior to, during and after a pandemic.

Flexible work policies have been developed so that workers are encouraged to stay at home when ill, when having to care for ill family members, or when caring for children when schools close, without fear of reprisal. Tele-commuting or other work-at-home strategies should be developed.

The Pandemic Preparedness Plan will be the first annex to The Company Emergency Response Plan. The Pandemic Preparedness Plan will incorporate The Company Crisis Communication Plan and Emergency Management Structure, two components of the Emergency Action Plan. Information on the Pandemic Preparedness Plan and the Emergency Action Plan can be found in The Company HSE policy manual.


Social distancing including increasing the space between employee work areas and decreasing the possibility of contact by limiting large or close contact gatherings will be considered in the event of an outbreak.


Clean all areas that are likely to have frequent hand contact (like doorknobs, faucets, handrails) routinely and when visibly soiled. Work surfaces should also be cleaned frequently using normal cleaning products.


Hand washing and use of hand sanitizers is encouraged by The Company and its supervisors. Hand washing facilities, hand sanitizers, tissues, no touch trash cans, hand soap and disposable towels will be provided by The Company.


Employees will be trained on health issues of the pertinent disease to include prevention of illness, initial disease symptoms, preventing the spread of the disease, and when it is appropriate to return to work after illness. Disease containment plans and expectations will be shared with employees. Communicating information with non-English speaking employees or those with disabilities must be considered.


A business continuity plan will be prepared so that if significant absenteeism or changes in business practices are required business operations can be effectively maintained.


Key contacts, a chain of communications and contact numbers for employees, and processes for tracking business and employee’s status have been established and will be posted in a common area in the main office at each location.

A procedure must be developed to notify key contacts including both customers and suppliers in the event an outbreak has impacted your company’s ability to perform services. This procedure must also include notification to customers and suppliers when operations resume.

Key contact personnel at The Company such as management and team leads, customers and suppliers will be contacted as soon as possible in the event an outbreak may impact The Company’s ability to perform services. Customers and suppliers will be notified when operations resume.

The plan and emergency communication strategies should be periodically tested (for example annually) to ensure it is effective and workable.


Following a pandemic event, the person responsible for the implementation of the plan should identify learning opportunities and take action to implement any corrective actions. Recognition of the factors that influence compliance with infection control practices is important in order to enable employers to prioritize and customize strategies for future pandemic events.

These strategies may include staff education, reminders in the workplace and routine observation and feedback. The Company and employees should work together to develop and implement safe procedures that encourage compliance with recommended infection control practices.