If you work in an industry that has to store materials (usually fluids) in storage tanks, you may have seen how they can be difficult to inspect. Visual tests were intrusive, costly, and they are no longer considered as the best practice now that we have better, more viable alternatives.
Now, in this digital era of many wonderful tools, a company can engage in NDT (nondestructive testing) inspection to get the same results in less time and without disturbing precious resources. NDT can mean anything from ultrasonic to eddy current and beyond. Whatever is best for your industry and the materials you’re trying to protect will be determined and give to you with the utmost expertise. Even the army has trouble with inspecting their storage tanks and other services, with corrosion costing each of the armed services in the U.S. an average of $5 billion a year.
Here are three reasons why you need to choose NDT inspection over any other method.
Because It’s Expensive to Dig Holes
When you talk about inspecting a storage tank or other piece of equipment, you better hope that you’re talking about an NDT inspection. Burying an improper tank can lead to countless headaches later. This may not seem like a big deal if the tank holds sewage or water, but rest assured that fuel storage tank repair services will make you pay for their expertise. You could also incur legal ramifications if any environmental damage occurs.
It Protects Your Employees
One of the biggest benefits of NDT inspection is that it saves human lives. Whether you are trying to inspect a storage tank or a piece of pipe, you are talking about something that is underground. This is a potentially hazardous environment in which humans would be exposed to radiation, pollution, or unnecessary risks. Utilizing nondestructive testing allows you to get all of the pertinent details without putting lives at risk.
It Keeps Storage Tanks Safe
When using an NDT inspection to ensure that industrial storage tank inspections are up to speed, you will be saving yourself money. This is because you won’t damage your tanks in the process. Regardless of whether the storage tank contains gasoline or purified water, nobody wants to cause a crack or damage the tank in a way that hinders its function. The cleanup and potential legal liability that can be caused after an accident happens this way is bad for everyone involved.
When you want quality NDT inspections, rely on InServe Mechanical today.